After a two month bout with Earthlink. I have decided to switch to Road Runner. After being sent a bill outside of the bill I pay to Time Warner Cable for my internet service, I called to have them delete this bill they sent for dial up service. I don't use dial up since I have cable modem service. What really irked me was the fact that on top of the usuage charge. I'm being charged $1 for the printing of the bill ... and $1 for non-electronic payment.
I was like ... what? I'm not paying a dollar for a piece of paper. You don't want to use paper for your bills... email it to me. I have an account with you ... you have my email address. And an extra dollar for non-electronic payment? I didn't quite know what this meant until I called and asked. Apparently I'm being charged a dollar in case I write them a check. .... uh .... huh?
So. I fired them as my service provider and switched to road runner. Now you know the rest of the story.
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago