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Sunday, June 14, 2009

That Boy Needs Therapy!

"Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start" ... if only using a cheat code could make it that simple to wipe perverts off of Sony Home or even the internet these days.

A terrible thing happened on the way to the bowling alley on Home last week. Most of you who have dated try to get along with your love interest's family and such. Well. My potential sister-in-law, who just got a PS3 for her birthday a few months ago wanted to know what Home was all about. Since the Moderators have been set in place the cursing and random idiotic gibberish have been cut down I figured I'd take her to the bowling alley or over to the Resistance home space to play a few games before her friends came over to hang-out and do whatever it is pre-teens do these days.

I was unaware that some pervert was sending her messages via Sony Mail asking if she knew how to perform certain sexual acts and asked if I would participate. This frightened her so much she logged off. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong, not that I expected her to trust me enough to explain what happened. All I knew was she told me someone sent her a message asking her if she was gay. I told her to block them and delete the message because he's just one of many random idiots you sometimes run into on Home once and awhile. I didn't know he was continuously sending this garbage to her.

I had to hear all this from my boyfriend who couldn't understand why his little sister wouldn't tell me either, all I knew was his mother was extremely ticked off about it and the girl is now upset. Had I'd known all this was happening I'd have a 28 person virtual mob looking for the jerk within 10 minutes instead of 2 hours later. After a full day the jerk was finally spotted and I sent him a message with a screen full of virtual whoop-@$$! And when I was done, I told my all my friends who were online at the time to block this person and also send a report to Sony as well.

I'd like to give thanks to the guys who helped me track this punk down. Thanks for backing me up!

After threatening to take him to court, he tried to claim that it wouldn't work because he was 14 and this was how he talks to friends and people in general. I explained that this is inappropriate behavior (much much later after I explained how I thought he was full of crap.) While he stood there amazed his little stunt attracted so much attention and between reports went flying to Sony Corporation Headquarters and MODs demanding that this guy's account be banned. He broke down and tried to apologize.

What is wrong with people?

But what I learned from this experience I will share with other gamers who may have kids or younger siblings that frequent HOME:

1) Watch what your kids pick as a screen name. Sometimes the names alone will attract unwanted attention. Don't allow them to use their real names as a screen name. If it wasn't for the embarrassment factor ... parent's should not just create a silly name for the kids, talk to them and agree on one one. And if its too silly they may attract cyber-bullies.

2) Create a sub-account that they can use so you can monitor the messages they receive and send.

3) Explain the proper etiquette to be used on HOME (i.e., never harass people engaged in a game, don't misuse the bubble machine, don't interrupt conversations with stupid comments, cursing or name calling, etc.)

4) Explain to them not to give out personal information such as real name, age, sex or location to anyone. Instruct them to tell the other person: "I'm sorry, but I do not give out personal information on the internet." Most of them will understand and back off.

5) Teach them how to report abusive behavior using the PSP pad within Home.
6) Teach them how to contact a MOD or Sony Guide in the area instead of trying to fight the other person back.

Hopefully this can cut down the perverts contacting your child or any kid in your care while visiting Home. They have to understand that just like in real life, (For example going to the mall) you don't know who's checking you out or what their intentions are so its best to avoid them if possible and learn how to contact proper authorities if help is needed.

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Ask Yuffie" is now officially open

Okay, due to the barrage of messages I've been receiving on my PlayStation account and personal e-mails I'm going to start answering the questions here on my blog ... why not? Right?

Okay, first I want to warn you folks that I'm romantically challenged so ask at your own risk. But I will keep your screen names confidential if that helps. If its about video games I will do my best to help you and well ... if you're asking for a date ... I'm taken but thanks for trying. Good luck next time.

First message I've received (which I've changed the names to protect their identity) is from a guy who asks how do you know if its love.

"Dear Romeo,

There is no true answer to that question. Its ... well ... hmmmm ... There is no definite answer to that question, love can be explained as a mutual feeling, adoration and affection for another person. But with that you must understand. Just like that Guns and Roses song "Every Rose Has A Thorn" so you have to kinda work on not pricking yourself while trying to woo this person.

But you also have to ask yourself, are you really in love with this person or just fascinated with how they look, smells or giggle? If your fascinated ... move on ... do both yourself and the other person a favor. It will end in an epic fall out the moment that cute giggle gets on your nerves, that hot body starts to bulge a little and that cologne or perfume becomes so powerful paint starts peeling off your walls.

You have to go beyond physical appearances, look deep into their eyes and lock glazes with their true self hidden behind the make-up, puffy lips and sculptured body and then ask yourself is this love? Or just adoration of their appearance? If it is love of the true person, find out if they feel the exact same way for you?

Also note you should ask questions ... LOTS OF QUESTIONS ... like ... I dunno ... do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Are you married? Would you be interested in dating someone like me? ... There's no shame in asking that. Okay?"

Second message I've received I can totally answer blind-folded from a guy who sent me email on PSN Home.

"Of all the Final Fantasy Games you've played, which is your favorite?"

Okay FF Fanatic ... if the name YuffietheGreat or photos from the games all over my game profile didn't answer it for you ... IT'S FINAL FANTASY 7!!!!

Okay. That's it for now. Tune in next time.