I just received a package from the Employment Security Commissions today along with advertisements for legal services. Thought it was odd, but when I opened the package it was a letter to attend an appeals hearing.
Here I thought my life with the company has ended and I would try to rebuild my life. It's been three months since I was terminated and filed for unemployment, it was in February that I would start receiving unemployment benefits and sending out grievance letters to the company about being wrongfully terminated. Since then, they have left me alone after responding back claiming they did nothing wrong.
It has been awhile now and for all I care they can do whatever the hell they wanted to. My main focus at the time is going out every single day searching for a job. And now, I have to attend an appeals hearing because the company decided I didn't deserve the benefits.
My life is now threaten again and if denied benefits I would be forced to move back in with my parents. It's already bad that any credibility I may have left is tarnished when applying for a new job. Now, I'm just hoping the projects that I've been working on in my spare time will soon pay off. But still, that doesn't solve what is about to happen.
I'm now sitting at my computer researching NC laws, shuffling through paperwork from my previous employment for any evidence to support my claims. Through recommendations I have severed most of my ties with former co-workers and so-claimed friends from my Myspace, Facebook, Bebo and other accounts to avoid them finding anything (true or false) to incriminate me and validate the companies reason as to why I should be denied unemployment benefits.
This company that I was once proud of and lulled into a false sense of security has reared its ugly head and now I must battle that dragon with what little armor or shield I own.
I have nothing bad to say about the company, though the years I gave were spent with blood, sweat, tears and enough stress to kill an elephant. And for what? All for the sake of the contract being manipulated by government employees who have no idea nor appreciate the work that goes into making their product successful and willing to brush us off to continue with their lives.
I have nothing bad to say about certain co-workers who have tried to help me or at least listened to my complaints when no one else did, I wish them well. Those I have grievances with I could careless what they do or think and wish them luck with their Karma. Especially when you sit in your office all day painting your fingernails, balance your checkbooks and complain about me to your friends at the main office when you thought I wasn't listening.
As for me, I will most likely swallow my pride and move back to my parent's house. I'm sure my cats would forgive me for taking them out of their secured environment and placing them in a home with four other cats who will attack them on a daily basis. I will continue to write for Gamertell and Gamezebo, iMUStudios and bForsaken Studios where I feel appreciated and encouraged to continue writing through guidance.
My life maybe in turmoil at the moment, but I have always been a survivor and will bounce back soon. Even if I lose this battle, I will still live to fight another fire-breathing dragon later on. But I will not lay down and allow a company to ruin my life that easily.
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago