During my travels from country to country via PlayStation HOME, I have found a peaceful spot on the Japanese server I'm sure would become my favorite hangout when I need to meditate or get away from the Trolls on the US servers. The Japanese Home has a new Beach Resort that is ... well ... awesome. Check it out:
Beautiful fish swimming past you as you walk the bottom for buried treasure, dolphins leaping over your head and schools of clown fish swimming beneath the pier. Just don't stay underwater too long, your avatar actually drowns and gets put on the beach somewhere.
There are plenty of rooms available along the pier you can hang out in, a store where you can purchase and dress your avatars in stylish bikinis or snorkel gear. You can even sit on the docks and watch sail boats in the distance sail by or dolphins leaping through the air.
Ahhhhh .... HOME .... i'm loving it.
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago