If I learned anything about being unemployed for a long time, it's learning to appreciate the things I had and learning about the things I took advantage of while employed.
If I learned anything about being unemployed for a long time, it's appreciating what I have and not wasting every waking money being lazy, criticizing others who are unemployed while I sit in denial the first few months of unemployment.
I learned to appreciate new found survival skills of living on a very limited budget, planning bills and groceries ahead of time.
I learned to constantly motivate myself to keep searching for a job, even the jobs I said I would never in a million years find myself doing by swallowing my pride.
I learned to be humble with what I possess rather than envy someone for their possessions.
I learned never to take help when needed as there are mountains I can't even climb by myself.
But above all, keep fighting and help others fight as well.
And even if I find employment somewhere ... anywhere ... that I will never lose site of where I've been even if I don't myself know where I'm going.
Why am I saying all these things? Because I just received the best birthday present ever after 1 whole year of being unemployed. A new lease on an employed life. On my birthday and want to thank my readers for their opinions, posts and words of encouragement. Thank you!
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago