
My Deviant Artwork

Friday, May 29, 2015

Nagging will cause danger

Another thing that ticks me off is nagging.  Nagging from my dad, brother, and anyone else is unneccessary. Unless you know my work schedule don't claim I am lazy because I don't get up at 5am to eat breakfast with you guys. Don't feel like dragging laundry down 2 flights of stairs to wash them, etc. By the time you guys get up. I just got home.

So step off! Before I set the damn house on fire! Just sayin'

Saturday, May 16, 2015


I really find it annoying to come out of the ladies bathroom at work to see a goofy smile staring into the bathroom as i exit. But what irritates me more are guys who have no control over their wardrobe. I usually ignore it. But when some one tries to politely tell you that your butt is showing. A simple, oh ... thanks. Would have been enough. Asking why someone was staring at it in the first place and being a jerk about it and then turn it into drama is childish.

No woman wants to see another person's butt when they are coming out of the bathroom let alone another woman's butt. So the polite thing to do was quietly inform them and walk away.

If my butt is showing i would appreciate someone discretely telling me. I'm just saying. Don't disrespect a friend showing concern.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

I like a little adventure

I have to admit i hate missing photo opportunities and may piss someone off to get it. But sometimes i will wait for the next opportunity to reveal itself and try again.

Doesn't mean im mad. Just disappointed that i missed the first opportunity. I will respect a person's fears or wishes.