
My Deviant Artwork

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I'm still standing!

It's been pretty slow, but I have faith that something will come my way soon. Keep checking back for details, news and muses. ^.^

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Out the door I go.

So, everything is cleaned out, all my personal effects are still in my car for now. Taking my time, filling out the paper work for severance pay and doing what I can to find new work. My hopes are still high, taking online classes.

Still looking but no luck yet.

Still looking for a new job, looking out for possible options and changes in resume writing, cover letters and more since its been awhile since I've updated my resume. It's pretty tough since the way resume's are written from the last time I've been out searching for a new job til now.

Taking the time to rewrite my resume to qualify for the jobs I really want, but not passing up opportunities that become available. This is more work than working at a company. Whew. But I know in the end it would be worth it to find employment again. Whether here in NC or further up north. Only time will tell at this point in life.

Also checking out education opportunities while I'm searching. I've been putting it off because I could never find the time to do this while working at my former job. But I need to upgrade my associates to a bachelor's to even be considered. Even though I probably have a lot of experience, but unless it says bachelor's on my resume they won't even look twice before chucking my resume into the round filing cabinet.