I understand why people are protesting, I understand why people are angry and I definitely understand the fear. I believe people should stand up for what they believe in.
But it's so draining when they fight on social media among friends, family members and the like. It's emotionally draining because what they lost focus on is that we were friends and family first despite each others opinions or views on life. Why are they enemies now?
The non-stop posts about the *#&@ election along with hateful memes found on the web and how much you hate anyone who disagreed in your choice of a president?
Stop it. Just ..... stop. Look on your friend's lists, the people you have been communicating with either in person or virtually for years from elementary school, high school, former co-workers, best friends, etc.
Are they worth blocking over a difference in opinion? Are they worth your tirade of negative remarks?
Just stop .... they were your friends and family long before Trump, Clinton and other politicians were even stamped on the nomination ballot. Despite your difference in views ... they were there for you. It was unfortunate that this campaign was drenched in negativity and it was sad that this negativity was allowed to grow and feed into fears, hatred and ignorance.
Just stop. This is not only draining for me, but I refuse to let the negativity take hold of me and keep me a prisoner of hatred, fear and ignorance. Forgive and move on.
This is the last post I want to write about this. I don't want to unfriend anyone, but I will if this continues.
I'm not the type of person who will blast my opinion about politics, mainly because I respect other people's choices on who they vote for. I expect them to show the same restraint on my facebook page.
I don't mind the family or personal selfies as long as their PG-13 because of my young nephews or friend's who like to post with their children sitting on their lap. I also understand that some friend's have that one family member or friend who like to post photos that are somewhat like a poster for an upcoming porn-fest and the like. I block them.
But I'm not talking about inappropriate photos. I'm talking about the aggressive political banters being posted on my page questioning the other people on my page and stirring up arguments among my peeps about which candidate is the best and so on and so forth.
It does not belong on my facebook page. I also don't appreciate being questioned as to why I took the posts down. Doesn't make me a liberal or an advocate for either candidate. But if I want to hear a bunch of people raging over who is standing behind the most qualified candidate in the race I'll just turn the television on.
I get it that you're backing the candidate you see as fit for the presidency. But don't rant or bully the others on facebook about it. Instead ... just go out there and vote or shut up.
This doesn't mean I'm mad at you, I may disagree with your choice of candidate, but that's your choice and I respect that. But don't be surprised if I boot you off my friend's list for bullying anyone else on my list about their choices or opinions.