All right! Due to popular requests to make a G4TV Forum thread (All Things Final Fantasy) interesting and more entertaining, I bring you the Final Fantasy Scavanger Hunt. To see how well everyone knows their Final Fantasy games, this may take research and actually playing the game to find the answers to the questions in the comment box following the rules below this blog box. This is a simple game non-exclusive to the G4TV threads but anyone who reads this blog may participate just for fun. So before you begin read the rules below:
Rules of the Game
1) Have fun.
2) You may not flame others participating in this game or make any threats or inappropriate comments in the posts. Please keep it PG-13.
3) You may use online references such as Final Fantasy specific guilds for research for your answers.
4) Do not post a partial list, if needed, copy the list and do your research at your leisure and post all the answers here when you have them all.
5) Don't be generic, the questions are looking for specific answers that can either be found on a user's website, the square-enix website or within the game itself. There is no time limit to this game so there is no need to cheat or rush. This is just to have fun with.
Questions for the Hunt
Good luck and happy hunting
1) In Final Fantasy FFX-2, at which point in the game does Yuna becomes jealous of Lynn.
2) When did Dagger lose her voice in Final Fantasy 9?
3) Which character in FF7 tried to make a romantic move on Cloud on the Gondula ride?
4) Name all the Final Fantasy characters found in Kingdom Hearts to include which games or movies they came from.
5) In Al Bhed this would describe you. Translate this: E's y Vehym Vyhdyco Vyh
6) How many Supreme Gems would you have to collect in Final Fantasy 10 to help your Aeon achieve the Ultima ability?
7) Which weapons are found in all Final Fantasy games?
8) Which character makes an appearance in all the Final Fantasy titles?
9) Name all the summons found in all the final fantasy titles.
10) Which console or platform was the original final fantasy first played on?
11) In 1993, which final fantasy game was published for little children that did not use the turn-based system?
12) What movie carried the final fantasy title but was never considered to be part of the actual final fantasy product?
13) In which game did you read "When darkness veils the world, four warriors of light shall come." before it started?
14) What is the relationship between Firion, Maria and Leon in Final Fantasy 2?
15) In which games can you find the all knowing "Fat Chocobo?"
16) Name the different job/classes in final fantasy games.
17) Released in Japan as Final Fantasy 6, which game was it called in the united states?
18) In the final fantasy sidequest to dress cloud up as a woman. What is the name of the character you had to bathe or sleep with to get underwear?
19) In Final Fantasy 12, what was Balthier' occupation before he became a sky pirate?
20) In which game were you able to enter a secret area and meet the developers of final fantasy to include talking to Nobuo Uematsu?
Oooh! Gotta do this! :D
Did I make this test too hard? I'll give it until the end of June then I'll post the answers.
LOL! Yeah, its a little hard even for a diehard FF fan! :P Especially when you haven't played 12, but its okay. I'll find a way to whoop this yet!
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