Okay, due to the barrage of messages I've been receiving on my PlayStation account and personal e-mails I'm going to start answering the questions here on my blog ... why not? Right?
Okay, first I want to warn you folks that I'm romantically challenged so ask at your own risk. But I will keep your screen names confidential if that helps. If its about video games I will do my best to help you and well ... if you're asking for a date ... I'm taken but thanks for trying. Good luck next time.
First message I've received (which I've changed the names to protect their identity) is from a guy who asks how do you know if its love.
"Dear Romeo,
There is no true answer to that question. Its ... well ... hmmmm ... There is no definite answer to that question, love can be explained as a mutual feeling, adoration and affection for another person. But with that you must understand. Just like that Guns and Roses song "Every Rose Has A Thorn" so you have to kinda work on not pricking yourself while trying to woo this person.
But you also have to ask yourself, are you really in love with this person or just fascinated with how they look, smells or giggle? If your fascinated ... move on ... do both yourself and the other person a favor. It will end in an epic fall out the moment that cute giggle gets on your nerves, that hot body starts to bulge a little and that cologne or perfume becomes so powerful paint starts peeling off your walls.
You have to go beyond physical appearances, look deep into their eyes and lock glazes with their true self hidden behind the make-up, puffy lips and sculptured body and then ask yourself is this love? Or just adoration of their appearance? If it is love of the true person, find out if they feel the exact same way for you?
Also note you should ask questions ... LOTS OF QUESTIONS ... like ... I dunno ... do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Are you married? Would you be interested in dating someone like me? ... There's no shame in asking that. Okay?"
Second message I've received I can totally answer blind-folded from a guy who sent me email on PSN Home.
"Of all the Final Fantasy Games you've played, which is your favorite?"
Okay FF Fanatic ... if the name YuffietheGreat or photos from the games all over my game profile didn't answer it for you ... IT'S FINAL FANTASY 7!!!!
Okay. That's it for now. Tune in next time.
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago
1 comment:
"Dear Yuffie,
I finally found a girl friend, but I want to do more and be with her at all times. Is that wrong? What if she feels the same way?"
Dear Smother-me-to-death,
You know you and I have been writing for quite some time now. And still you have yet to hear a word I have said. Do you remember what happened to your last girlfriend?
Back off, man! Give her some space, talk to her and ask for a little space so you can both grow and understand each other ... together without smothering them with your "love" 24/7.
... What are you? A human or a puppy?
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