Finally a break through, I'm called to the unemployment office to take a typing and spelling test to qualify for a job they want to recommend me for. But before we get to that let me explain, getting up at 8 a.m. has become harder since .. there really isn't a goal other than waking up in the morning these days. But I managed to get up at 6 a.m. and even ate breakfast.
God I love Starbucks in the morning. I miss Starbucks. Okay. Back to the story.
It was an interesting day at the Employment Security Commission's Office, but not because of the test ... no. Much like the job fair, it was the other people waiting to file claims, take tests or even use the job board computers. How entertaining? Well.
Let me put this in YouTube videos to explain. First up. The mismatched Asian American girl faking the cute Asian behavior we often see on television to win the clerks over. Ok. I'm no fashion queen, but School girl outfits are cute when they are worn by little girls, much like the singer in this video, an adult woman wearing a school girl outfit with an outrageous tan makes her look more like a guy. Except in this video the lead singer really is a guy.
Next person to sit near me ... I don't really think he came in to find a job or file a complaint. I think he really is one of the homeless people looking for a warm place to take a nap, so he doesn't really count. But the woman and her two screaming children do. So coming in at number two is a woman wearing more fur than Wookies at a Star Wars convention. Seriously. If it weren't for the screaming we would have never known she had kids. Even the homeless guy went outside to sleep in peace. I'd listen to my MP3 player if it would drown the screaming out, but I have learned no matter how high you turn the volume you will still hear the screaming. Sigh.
Once the kids have settled, they were all over the place like a Gremlin infestation.
Wow. That's enough to keep you entertained while you wait. But just before I was called in the next two were just as entertaining. The smooth guy who thought he could smooth talk to the front of the line only to find out ... he can't file in NC if he lost his job in Virginia but plays it off and tries to smooth talk the lady clerk anyways. Sheesh. All he had to do was ask to use the job board computers, that's open to the public.
The last person that sat near me before I went in to take my tests was the guy still in denial that he lost his job. Believe me, I was riding the denial train for awhile myself. So I know where he's coming from. He kind of reminded me of the sadness I went through before I came to my senses and kept hunting for a job and any gigs that paid like my game blogs. Even in the virtual world on my PlayStation HOME, I meet hundreds like me still continuing to stay connected and out looking for jobs and any paying gig they can find. I do my best to help them and they in turn help me by sending me the links of potential employers and paid gigs available online. Hoping that together we can find jobs for everyone regardless of what niche' they're looking for.
Well after my test I was given the recommendation, I had the interview Monday and await news from this insurance company on Wednesday. So I'll let you know then if I'm employed or unemployed.
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago
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