
My Deviant Artwork

Monday, October 20, 2014

A new diagnosis

After years of carrying this excess weight around going from doctor to doctor with no result. Only countless brands of diet pills, told what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat resulting in becoming sick and staying sick most of the time. It took a week of excruciating pains in my stomach, painful cycles and simply not wanting to eat did one doctor, a new doctor in town, to send me to an imaging center to find a growth that is the size of a grapefruit sitting not only near my stomach and intestine. But on top of my uterus as well.

I fear surgery more than anything else, especially after losing two friends to surgery. But I know there are risks to having surgery done. I'm told by the top surgeons at Duke University that the only way I can get better is to have this thing removed. Since the only thing they know is its not cancerous, its partially exploratory surgery and a panis removal to gain access this thing.

I just want it done and over with so I can do all the things I was able to do before this happened and achieve the goals and dreams I set since I was a child.

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