Its New Years Eve. My boyfriend and I decided to have a virtual date on the new PlayStation HOME. After weeks of getting him to put his XBox360 aside for one night and join me on the PlayStation Network, and telling him about the wonderful games, funny things he can do and the friendly people he can meet. (Insert the sound of a needle dragging across a record here.)
Wow. What a way to celebrate the new year than to have some jerk making lewd sexual comments to me, racial comments to another person joining us for a game of bowling and insulting my boyfriend. Based on his personal opinion of what he tought about our avatars. While he flamed everyone in the bowling alley, I'm on the telephone stuttering with my boyfriend swearing that not everyone on HOME are jerks. HOME's bowling alley soon erupted into a violent riot of text, fist shaking avatars coming over to scream at the jerk. Eventually a moderator from Sony America shows up to deal with the situation. And the jerk, who I'm convinced is a 17-year-old kid shoving doritos into his mouth with one hand and trying not to pee his pants while laughing at the chaos he's created.
Seriously, is there no etiquette on the networks?
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago
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