It's been several weeks since I last posted, what I thought was a legalese for "LOSER" actually meant I won. Go figure.
At any rate, I'm still drawing benefits while looking for a job. Sigh. The hunt for the big white whale goes on. But it seems lately the only jobs available are for those with medical degrees and licenses or nurses. All else falls into the "We want you to come work for us for less than minimum wage" category. How's a girl supposed to survive this town for less than $5 an hour? Seriously?
No wonder there are more unemployed people than employed in this town. No one wants to pay enough for people to not only pay their bills on time, but to eat as well as put gas in the car.
But soon, I'm not going to worry about that. Over at iMU Studios the group is in the second round of the investor's program and over at bForsaken Studios the gang is in contact with New Moon Studios who are willing to scratch our backs if we as the saying goes "scratch their backs."
Meanwhile, while all this is falling into place I'm also getting ready for a trip to California for "THE BIG" interview. I don't want to jinx it so I'm not even going to name the company. Those who know me, know exactly who I'm talking about and believe me I would be on cloud nine if accepted. Or somewhere on the streets of LA getting tanked up on alcohol to drown my sorrows. Oops... almost jinxed myself.
But for now I must stay afloat and walk that boulevard of broken dreams and pick up the pieces to rebuild my life. (No pun intended.)
But I do need to keep my head above water. Many good things are coming my way but I must be ready to receive it as anyone who has been unemployed for awhile must do.
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago
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