
My Deviant Artwork

Sunday, June 12, 2016

No such thing as funny tasting in my mother's house

I keep telling my friends that eating at my mother's house is strange. That's why I don't often invite people over for dinner. Because you will never know what she will make, and if its even remotely edible. But there are some things only she can make that look like it crawled off the Aliens movie set but tastes incredibly delicious.

She tries her best to make spaghetti, a steak dinner or even something as simple as mac and cheese. But there is no so such thing as simple when she's in the kitchen. In fact, when you think of my mom in the kitchen, just remember that scene from the movie Better Off Dead with John Cusack. When the recipe his mother wanted to make but it got wet. Yeah. The thing with raisins in it. That pretty much sums up my mom's cooking.

"Can I be excused? I'm not feeling well ... "

Love her to death, even tried to show her how to make a variety of dishes .... which .... she tried ... but somehow somewhere in the process.... something happened. The most memorable was when my brother's showed up for Thanksgiving and there wasn't enough stuffing. I baked some cornbread to fluff out the stuffing mix with, but somehow the McDonald's side salad I purchased for lunch that day ended up with a block of tofu in the mix instead. With sweet and sour sauce mixed in.

No complaints here, didn't want to ruin her evening with complaints. It was weird but it didn't taste that bad either. But not something I would eat again.

What was the funniest thing your mom ever made?

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