So. I'm still afloat on a sinking ship. Nothing major, still above water.
But it does suck that people I work with have short timer's attitude. I do what I can to get the papers to the press on-time even if it's not one of my assigned papers. Because that's the kind of person I am.
I try not to let things effect me emotionally or mentally. I try to stay on top of things. But I have to admit, it's not getting easier with people suddenly quitting or call in sick. But what can you do? Right?
I try to keep a positive attitude, even when I'm surrounded by negativity. Go home and listen to nothing but greed on the radio, negative songs, negative news. But what can you do?
Just because most of my friends have moved away, does not mean I'm lonely or sad. It's like 2 AM ... I'm just tired. But I know the minute I go to bed, I will be back up in 30 minutes playing a game on my phone or if I really really can't sleep. Trying to beat CHAC on level 80 of the Cloister Trials on FFX-2 Remastered on my PS3.
.... stupid snake thing cheats ... just saying.
Not going to even mention what game I'm playing on my phone, cause honestly ... I really don't need facebook pokes about it or extra lives requests. I think I currently have 582 messages still on my list unanswered. It's not that I don't like you. I just want to play the game in peace. ... Kinda hard to break the cycle when there's lives to use up. Tried to stop at level 10 ... now I'm like level 582 ... I know pathetic right? Tried that new Kingdom Heart's game on my phone and my phone nearly burst into flames.
But for those of you who wondered why I'm not posting much, I've just been busy surviving the sinking ship and working on my next adventure where ever it leads.
FYI: Been working with my friend Stacey on a magazine. It goes live soon. Still need funding. Goal $2,000 ... current funds donated $450.
Check it out if you like, make a donation if you like:
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago
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