As if dealing with one loss isn't enough .... a pink slip lands on my desk.
Well it's official. I have two weeks before my position is eliminated. Luckily I've been applying for jobs like its the end of the world. Swallowing my pride to apply for basic jobs that require no special talent. Although I still want to stay in the entertainment or publishing industry.
Maybe I should have accepted the invitation to move but I know I couldn't survive up there on the pay I'm receiving now and the fact that the company I work for is not a gracious company that gives raises that easily. And I would really be screwed if there idea of a pay raise is 25 cents more than what I'm already getting. That would be a short-lived move. Even though I would miss hanging out with my friend Mobie and creating new havoc in a new area, I know Ohio is not the place for me.
Will keep you posted as things progress, maybe I'll have a new job by the next post, maybe I'll be married (finally) ... or maybe I'll be flipping burgers here. Who knows. Til later then. This doesn't mean goodbye, and I'm certainly not sad about it because I knew this was going to happen. Til I find a new path I may be offline for a bit.
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