It's now December .... it just seems that the older you get, finding a job gets harder. The job you got with an associates degree now requires a bachelor degree to get. WHAT? SERIOUSLY?
Sad but true. The Associates Degree I used to get a job as a designer can barely buy a case of cheap beer these days. I'm not speaking for myself, I will survive as I always do. But I know if I'm going through this, there are probably thousands if not billions of talented people over the age of 40 struggling to find a job out there that can do the job blind-folded with one arm tied behind their backs.
Talented people who are often given entry level jobs instead of the mid-level jobs they more than qualified for. Pay them less than the minimum wage of that state to have the job with empty promises of advancing through the ranks. Am I right?
I hate seeing talented people who should be out there directing a movie, designing the fashion of 2017, their next greatest hit music debuts, etc., working at a drive-thru restaurant making 9 bucks an hour wrapping burgers and trying not to strangle the next difficult customer questioning their intelligence over ridiculous toppings on their sandwiches. It breaks my heart that these people are crushed, struggling to return to school in order to earn that bachelors only to find out ... now they need a master's to get that same job.
This has to stop. I've seen companies hire less than talented people from across the globe than hire someone located in the same city with far more talent. Who is with me on this one? I believe companies should look for talented individuals and be open to giving them a chance. What do you think?
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago
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