I know my parents mean well. I normally don't complain.
BUT. I draw the line when I have to deal with false accusations, name calling, being forced to listen to onesided unproven conspiracy BS and called a liberal ignoramous doomed to live a failed existence because i disagree and screamed at if i don't comply to ones standard of providing care to my mother who recently lost consciousness and fell down a flight of stairs.
I've been trying my best to fix meals that is soft enough to chew and doesn't require to much effort to swallow. I feed the cats, try to keep them from climbing on her and adding pressure to the neck brace she has to wear for eight weeks. I'm not going to force her to eat or drink anything simply because she's stubborn. She's more defiant than I am.
Already bad enough I have to do all the cooking and cleaning.
But if i make breakfast and you don't tell me what you want because you want something only you can make yet tell my mother i refused to make you anything because you called me names because I didn't get up at the crack of dawn to make you an elegant feast? So now I have to listen to her fuss at me because you can't tell her you wanted something different? And complain about the burnt mess on your plate? Shame on you.
I am not your personal house keeper. I'm trying to take care of mom with very little help. Just as before when she had heart surgery. All you did was play games on your tablet, go to your gun shows and talk conspiracy theories you guys found on the internet versus helping take care of mom by helping with some of the chores.
蘭花水耕一年 開花了
6 years ago
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