My Deviant Artwork
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Looking for a job is hard work these days.
Sad but true. The Associates Degree I used to get a job as a designer can barely buy a case of cheap beer these days. I'm not speaking for myself, I will survive as I always do. But I know if I'm going through this, there are probably thousands if not billions of talented people over the age of 40 struggling to find a job out there that can do the job blind-folded with one arm tied behind their backs.
Talented people who are often given entry level jobs instead of the mid-level jobs they more than qualified for. Pay them less than the minimum wage of that state to have the job with empty promises of advancing through the ranks. Am I right?
I hate seeing talented people who should be out there directing a movie, designing the fashion of 2017, their next greatest hit music debuts, etc., working at a drive-thru restaurant making 9 bucks an hour wrapping burgers and trying not to strangle the next difficult customer questioning their intelligence over ridiculous toppings on their sandwiches. It breaks my heart that these people are crushed, struggling to return to school in order to earn that bachelors only to find out ... now they need a master's to get that same job.
This has to stop. I've seen companies hire less than talented people from across the globe than hire someone located in the same city with far more talent. Who is with me on this one? I believe companies should look for talented individuals and be open to giving them a chance. What do you think?
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Negativity is draining.
I understand why people are protesting, I understand why people are angry and I definitely understand the fear. I believe people should stand up for what they believe in.
But it's so draining when they fight on social media among friends, family members and the like. It's emotionally draining because what they lost focus on is that we were friends and family first despite each others opinions or views on life. Why are they enemies now?
The non-stop posts about the *#&@ election along with hateful memes found on the web and how much you hate anyone who disagreed in your choice of a president?
Stop it. Just ..... stop. Look on your friend's lists, the people you have been communicating with either in person or virtually for years from elementary school, high school, former co-workers, best friends, etc.
Are they worth blocking over a difference in opinion? Are they worth your tirade of negative remarks?
Just stop .... they were your friends and family long before Trump, Clinton and other politicians were even stamped on the nomination ballot. Despite your difference in views ... they were there for you. It was unfortunate that this campaign was drenched in negativity and it was sad that this negativity was allowed to grow and feed into fears, hatred and ignorance.
Just stop. This is not only draining for me, but I refuse to let the negativity take hold of me and keep me a prisoner of hatred, fear and ignorance. Forgive and move on.
This is the last post I want to write about this. I don't want to unfriend anyone, but I will if this continues.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Raging lunatics on facebook.
I don't mind the family or personal selfies as long as their PG-13 because of my young nephews or friend's who like to post with their children sitting on their lap. I also understand that some friend's have that one family member or friend who like to post photos that are somewhat like a poster for an upcoming porn-fest and the like. I block them.
But I'm not talking about inappropriate photos. I'm talking about the aggressive political banters being posted on my page questioning the other people on my page and stirring up arguments among my peeps about which candidate is the best and so on and so forth.
It does not belong on my facebook page. I also don't appreciate being questioned as to why I took the posts down. Doesn't make me a liberal or an advocate for either candidate. But if I want to hear a bunch of people raging over who is standing behind the most qualified candidate in the race I'll just turn the television on.
I get it that you're backing the candidate you see as fit for the presidency. But don't rant or bully the others on facebook about it. Instead ... just go out there and vote or shut up.
This doesn't mean I'm mad at you, I may disagree with your choice of candidate, but that's your choice and I respect that. But don't be surprised if I boot you off my friend's list for bullying anyone else on my list about their choices or opinions.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Dabbling with online sites .... urg
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
A river runs through it
It's been a challenge to find a job, even a temporary one. But I have faith something will come my way soon. I remain positive that I will be needed soon and will move forward. The power outage is just a set back but I'm still moving forward.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Still looking.
Staying positive, keeping my head up and moving forward.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
I'm still standing!
It's been pretty slow, but I have faith that something will come my way soon. Keep checking back for details, news and muses. ^.^
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Out the door I go.
Still looking but no luck yet.
Taking the time to rewrite my resume to qualify for the jobs I really want, but not passing up opportunities that become available. This is more work than working at a company. Whew. But I know in the end it would be worth it to find employment again. Whether here in NC or further up north. Only time will tell at this point in life.
Also checking out education opportunities while I'm searching. I've been putting it off because I could never find the time to do this while working at my former job. But I need to upgrade my associates to a bachelor's to even be considered. Even though I probably have a lot of experience, but unless it says bachelor's on my resume they won't even look twice before chucking my resume into the round filing cabinet.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Here we go again.
This is the last week with Civitas LLC. I will miss working with awesome page designers and a great mentor/supervisor. But I'm just simply not ready to move to Ohio for peanuts. I will still give my 200% as I would with any position I'm in til the end.
My only concern is the severance package, will it help me until I find a new job? Well. The test is about to happen Aug. 5. Will update this blog as I go and add to "Life Unemployed 2.0" til my next adventure.
Since my previous experience I have learned not to fret about it, because I'm a survivor and I know I can get through this. Because I know this: Fret and worry, leads to stress and self-doubt. I can't have that, I need to remain calm, positive and focused to reach a new level in my life whether its working for another company or flipping burgers at the local burger king. See you soon!
Saturday, July 23, 2016
As if dealing with one loss isn't enough .... a pink slip lands on my desk.
Well it's official. I have two weeks before my position is eliminated. Luckily I've been applying for jobs like its the end of the world. Swallowing my pride to apply for basic jobs that require no special talent. Although I still want to stay in the entertainment or publishing industry.
Maybe I should have accepted the invitation to move but I know I couldn't survive up there on the pay I'm receiving now and the fact that the company I work for is not a gracious company that gives raises that easily. And I would really be screwed if there idea of a pay raise is 25 cents more than what I'm already getting. That would be a short-lived move. Even though I would miss hanging out with my friend Mobie and creating new havoc in a new area, I know Ohio is not the place for me.
Will keep you posted as things progress, maybe I'll have a new job by the next post, maybe I'll be married (finally) ... or maybe I'll be flipping burgers here. Who knows. Til later then. This doesn't mean goodbye, and I'm certainly not sad about it because I knew this was going to happen. Til I find a new path I may be offline for a bit.
Friday, July 22, 2016
When your at a loss for everything ...
I finally got a vacation week .... well technically 4 days... (insert grumbling here) I made plans to go to Myrtle Beach ... well that didn't happen because of the rain and because of a phone text message on my phone.
It was my cousin (Just going to call him Cousin E. Don't want to post his name for privacy sake) he wanted to know if I was available for a phone call. Well of course. If its family I'm always available unless I'm indisposed, driving with a wonky headset that just won't seem to stay connected or somewhere loud. But always courteous to text back that I'm going somewhere quiet to answer the call. Even if its my crazy dad and his crazy theories about the latest Obama plot to turn off all the cell phone lines ... ... ... or some other craziness he found on the web. Love him to death but sometimes ... even though he's not wearing it. The tinfoil hat is showing. Enough. Back to the blog.
So I waited for his call. Cousin E starts off telling me that he wanted me to know everything before I read my facebook page .... okay. Long story short. My cousin (we will call him T for the same reason I'm not posting E's real name.) Cousin T had passed away.
WHAT? PASSED AWAY! He's like only 31!!!!! WTF?!?!?
Although the phone conversation went much smoother than that, but in my head I had a billion and one questions as to how this happened. Questions like, did his asthma get real bad? Was he hit by a car and lost the battle at the hospital? Who do I hurt when I get up there? WHAT? I'm at a loss for words.... but I know I must sound cold on the other end of the phone as I sat processing a billion scenarios as to what could have possibly gone wrong. Because we just talked on the phone a few weeks ago about him bringing his family down for a visit so we could meet the newest member.
*Insert one curse word here like a raging comic book lunatic. .... WHYYYYYYYYYY????????*
He didn't know, he was still trying to process what happened as well but will let me know once he goes to the hospital and find out what happened.
Once cousin E hung up to go meet with the rest of the family and figure out what to do next. So the only thing I could think of was to tell my mother who was looking forward to meeting the little ones. I know she was shocked. She was already tired and exhausted playing nurse for one of her cats who injured himself and just came back from the vet. (Whom on a side note now hates me. But that's another blog later.)
Would tell my father but he's away at a "meeting" with his fellow tin foil hat comrades. So the next few hours have been spent waiting on more information, feeding cats, wondering if the others are okay and swirling leftover spaghetti across a plate in an attempt to eat a normal dinner. Which is kind of hard to do when you're just not interested in eating.
Finally a message from Cousin E came through. Rare seizure ..... Not going to print any further details about it. But its still kind of a shock. That makes two friends I've lost this year. My friend Donna who died of cancer and now Cousin T. I will miss them both with all my heart.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
No such thing as funny tasting in my mother's house
She tries her best to make spaghetti, a steak dinner or even something as simple as mac and cheese. But there is no so such thing as simple when she's in the kitchen. In fact, when you think of my mom in the kitchen, just remember that scene from the movie Better Off Dead with John Cusack. When the recipe his mother wanted to make but it got wet. Yeah. The thing with raisins in it. That pretty much sums up my mom's cooking.
"Can I be excused? I'm not feeling well ... "
Love her to death, even tried to show her how to make a variety of dishes .... which .... she tried ... but somehow somewhere in the process.... something happened. The most memorable was when my brother's showed up for Thanksgiving and there wasn't enough stuffing. I baked some cornbread to fluff out the stuffing mix with, but somehow the McDonald's side salad I purchased for lunch that day ended up with a block of tofu in the mix instead. With sweet and sour sauce mixed in.
No complaints here, didn't want to ruin her evening with complaints. It was weird but it didn't taste that bad either. But not something I would eat again.
What was the funniest thing your mom ever made?
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Nothing to see, move along.
But it does suck that people I work with have short timer's attitude. I do what I can to get the papers to the press on-time even if it's not one of my assigned papers. Because that's the kind of person I am.
I try not to let things effect me emotionally or mentally. I try to stay on top of things. But I have to admit, it's not getting easier with people suddenly quitting or call in sick. But what can you do? Right?
I try to keep a positive attitude, even when I'm surrounded by negativity. Go home and listen to nothing but greed on the radio, negative songs, negative news. But what can you do?
Just because most of my friends have moved away, does not mean I'm lonely or sad. It's like 2 AM ... I'm just tired. But I know the minute I go to bed, I will be back up in 30 minutes playing a game on my phone or if I really really can't sleep. Trying to beat CHAC on level 80 of the Cloister Trials on FFX-2 Remastered on my PS3.
.... stupid snake thing cheats ... just saying.
Not going to even mention what game I'm playing on my phone, cause honestly ... I really don't need facebook pokes about it or extra lives requests. I think I currently have 582 messages still on my list unanswered. It's not that I don't like you. I just want to play the game in peace. ... Kinda hard to break the cycle when there's lives to use up. Tried to stop at level 10 ... now I'm like level 582 ... I know pathetic right? Tried that new Kingdom Heart's game on my phone and my phone nearly burst into flames.
But for those of you who wondered why I'm not posting much, I've just been busy surviving the sinking ship and working on my next adventure where ever it leads.
FYI: Been working with my friend Stacey on a magazine. It goes live soon. Still need funding. Goal $2,000 ... current funds donated $450.
Check it out if you like, make a donation if you like:
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Happy Mother's Day ???? WHAT? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?
Once dinner was done I reach for the bill... WTF did you order dad? .... ok. I got this. May have to eat some Mac and Cheese for a week... but I got this.
Ok. My bad. For those of you who have Asian mothers..... it suddenly became a battle of wills as to who was paying the bill. No negations, everyone breaking out their wallets to see who can toss down the bills first. Mom shouldn't have to pay for her own dinner was my argument. But dad handed her the bill anyway. Way to go dad. Before the waitress came I was quickly grabbing up the bills and whipping out the debit card... I got this. Dad grabs the money and hands it to the waitress..... way to go dad.... <.<
So I bought ice cream ... of course dad took off so it was just me and mom. Going to have to find her a movie she would like and make a nice Chicken Carbonara (sp?) dinner for her.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Mobie and Kitty BadBad 6 -- Sadness
More recent parody songs screamed at each other in the office parking lot:
Kitty: I will sing a sad song for you!
Mobie: Uh huh....
(Parody of the Titanic Song but unfortunately Mobie caught wind of it and we sang it at the time!)
Sunday, February 21, 2016
When is a trap not a trap
I hate being on speaker, most people who know me knows this.
When I am directly talking to someone, its person to person. When talking to someone on speaker its no longer personal. I might as well be yelling the information in a crowded mall in my underwear.
Speakers are great for broadcasting important information to the public, find people to rally to your cause.
But recently I was trying to speak up so the other person in question can hear me and they got upset and claim I snapped at them. I try to explain I wasn't snapping and said person had to confirm his accusation with friends.
Is this a trap? I believe it is.
But I really don't care what others think of me anyway. Never said I was perfect, not going to apologize more than necessary, not going to grovel, just let it go. Not worth fighting over.
I've been trapped by ex's like this before and it doesn't end with a handshake. These traps are there way to prove whatever point they thought they were making and gives them an excuse to leave. Luckily for him i don't hold grudges. Just wished him the best and continued life as if nothing happened. If you want to go...just go. If you are through just say so and go.
My friends say I'm way too patient and that they would have left a long time a go Maybe I am and could have moved on. But I don't .... I try to see things through.
How many traps did you get snared in?